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BTLPT 190 Record

A program designed to help you practice recording your voice for the BTLPT 190 test. By clicking the audio button, your audio recording will begin. To properly use this program, please use Google Chrome's browser on a desktop/laptop computer. We cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the program on tablets/mobile devices. 

Where Can This Be Used?

During the Comprehension through Speaking Section, you will be asked to record yourself responding to a prompt or oral response/position. You can use the above tool to record your response and hear how you sound using the playback mechanism.


On the actual exam, a recording headset and microphone will be provided. Pay attention to how long you will spend recording your response and ensure responses do not exceed the desired maximum duration allotted.

BTLPT Speaking Section Guidelines


Simulated Conversation

During this section, you will have:



  • 15 seconds to view the question

  • 1 minute to prepare your response

  • 1 minute to respond


You will do this twice.


Oral Response

During this section, you will have


  • 45 seconds to review the prompt

  • 2 minutes to prepare your response

  • 2 minutes to respond 


Opinion/Position Response

During this section, you will have


  • 15 seconds to view the question,

  • 1 minute to prepare your response

  • 1 minute to respond.


You will do this twice.

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